
See Craedls

import craedl
profile = craedl.auth()

# print your craedl tree
for craedl in profile.craedls:

# get a particular craedl
craedl = profile.get_craedl('craedl-slug', 1)

Printing the Craedl tree generates output such as:

Test Craedl [craedl-slug:1]
  - Child 1 [craedl-slug:2]
      - Child 1a [craedl-slug:5]
          - Child 1a1 [craedl-slug:7]
      - Child 1b [craedl-slug:8]
      - Child 1c [craedl-slug:9]
  - Child 2 [craedl-slug:3]
      - Child 2a [craedl-slug:4]

where ‘craedl-slug’ is the Craedl’s slug (visible in the URL through the web browser) and the number is the Craedl’s ID. Getting a particular Craedl requires this slug and ID.

Download data

import craedl
profile = craedl.auth()

# get a craedl
craedl = profile.get_craedl('craedl-slug', 1)

# access the data in your craedl
root = craedl.get_data()

# get the contents of a particular directory
directory = root.get('path/to/data/in/Craedl')
children = directory.list()
for directories in children['dirs']:
for files in children['files']:

# download the 0-th file's data in this directory
file_downloaded = files[0].download('path/on/local/computer/to/save/data')

Upload data

import craedl
profile = craedl.auth()

# get a craedl
craedl = profile.get_craedl('craedl-slug', 1)

# access the data in your craedl
root = craedl.get_data()

# get a particular directory
directory = root.get('path/to/data/in/Craedl')

# create a new directory inside directory
directory_new = directory.create_directory('new-directory-name')

# upload a new file into directory_new
directory_new = directory_new.upload(

Upload directory recursively

import craedl
profile = craedl.auth()

# get a craedl
craedl = profile.get_craedl('craedl-slug', 1)

# access the data in your craedl
root = craedl.get_data()

# get a particular directory
directory = root.get('path/to/data/in/Craedl')

# upload the directory recursively
# this incantation of upload() will pick up from where it left off
# if it is stopped for any reason
directory = directory.upload(
    rescan=False, # ignores new children in directories already transferred
    output=True # outputs progress to STDOUT