Source code for craedl.core

# Copyright 2022 The Johns Hopkins University
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from datetime import datetime
from datetime import timezone
import glob
import hashlib
import json
import os
import requests
from requests_toolbelt import MultipartEncoder
import sys
import time

from craedl import cache as sync_cache
from craedl import errors

BUF_SIZE = 10485760
DT1970 = datetime(1970, 1, 1, tzinfo=timezone.utc)

import requests.packages.urllib3.util.connection as urllib3_cn
import socket
Forces systems that default to IPv6 to use IPv4.
def allowed_gai_family():
  family = socket.AF_INET  # force IPv4
  return family
urllib3_cn.allowed_gai_family = allowed_gai_family

def hash_directory(path):
  Generate a hash string representing the state of the files in a directory.
  The hash changes if any file is added, removed, or modified on disk.

  :param path: the directory path
  :type path: string
  :returns: a SHA1 hash representation of the files in the directory
  children_hash = hashlib.sha1()
  children = os.scandir(path)
  for child in children:
    basename = os.path.basename(child.path)
    if (basename[0] != '.' and basename[0] != '~'):
  return children_hash.hexdigest()

def to_x_bytes(bytes):
  Take a number in bytes and return a human-readable string.

  :param bytes: number in bytes
  :type bytes: int
  :returns: a human-readable string
  x_bytes = bytes
  power = 0
  while x_bytes >= 1000:
    x_bytes = x_bytes * 0.001
    power = power + 3
  if power == 0:
    return '%.0f bytes' % x_bytes
  if power == 3:
    return '%.0f kB' % x_bytes
  if power == 6:
    return '%.0f MB' % x_bytes
  if power == 9:
    return '%.0f GB' % x_bytes
  if power == 12:
    return '%.0f TB' % x_bytes

[docs]class Auth(): """ This base class handles low-level RESTful API communications. Any class that needs to perform RESTful API communications should extend this class. """ token = None if sys.platform == 'win32': token_path = os.path.abspath( os.path.join( os.sep, os.path.expanduser('~'), 'AppData', 'Local', 'Craedl', 'craedl' ) ) elif sys.platform == 'darwin': token_path = os.path.abspath( os.path.join( os.sep, 'Users', os.getlogin(), 'Library', 'Preferences', 'Craedl', 'craedl' ) ) else: token_path = os.path.expanduser('~/.config/Craedl/craedl') def __init__(self, host=None): if not os.path.isfile(os.path.expanduser(self.token_path)): raise errors.Missing_Token_Error if host: = host else: = '' def __repr__(self): string = '{' for k, v in vars(self).items(): if k != 'token': if type(v) is str: string += "'" + k + "': '" + v + "', " else: string += "'" + k + "': " + str(v) + ", " if len(string) > 1: string = string[:-2] string += '}' return string
[docs] def DELETE(self, path): """ Handle a DELETE request. :param path: the RESTful API method path :type path: string :returns: a dict containing the contents of the parsed JSON response or an HTML error string if the response does not have status 200 """ if not self.token: self.token = open(os.path.expanduser(self.token_path)).readline().strip() attempt = 0 while attempt < RETRY_MAX: attempt = attempt + 1 try: response = requests.delete( + path, headers={'Authorization': 'Bearer %s' % self.token}, ) return self.process_response(response) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: time.sleep(RETRY_SLEEP) raise errors.Retry_Max_Error
[docs] def GET(self, path, data=False): """ Handle a GET request. :param path: the RESTful API method path :type path: string :param data: whether the response is a data stream (default False) :type data: boolean :returns: a dict containing the contents of the parsed JSON response, data stream, or an HTML error string if the response does not have status 200 """ if not self.token: self.token = open(os.path.expanduser(self.token_path)).readline().strip() attempt = 0 while attempt < RETRY_MAX: attempt = attempt + 1 try: if not data: response = requests.get( + path, headers={'Authorization': 'Bearer %s' % self.token}, ) return self.process_response(response) else: response = requests.get( + path, headers={'Authorization': 'Bearer %s' % self.token}, stream=True, ) return response except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: time.sleep(RETRY_SLEEP) raise errors.Retry_Max_Error
[docs] def POST(self, path, data, filepath=None): """ Handle a POST request. :param path: the RESTful API method path :type path: string :param data: the data to POST to the RESTful API method as described at :type data: dict :param filepath: the path to the file to be passed :type filepath: string :returns: a dict containing the contents of the parsed JSON response or an HTML error string if the response does not have status 200 """ if not self.token: self.token = open(os.path.expanduser(self.token_path)).readline().strip() attempt = 0 while attempt < RETRY_MAX: attempt = attempt + 1 try: if not filepath: response = + path, json=data, headers={'Authorization': 'Bearer %s' % self.token}, ) else: d = data for k in d: if type(d[k]) != str: d[k] = str(d[k]) with open(filepath, 'rb') as f: d['file'] = (filepath.split(os.sep)[-1], f, 'application/octet-stream') encoder = MultipartEncoder(d) response = + path, data=encoder, headers={ 'Authorization': 'Bearer %s' % self.token, 'Content-Type': encoder.content_type }, ) return self.process_response(response) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: time.sleep(RETRY_SLEEP) raise errors.Retry_Max_Error
[docs] def process_response(self, response): """ Process the response from a RESTful API request. :param response: the RESTful API response :type response: a response object :returns: a dict containing the contents of the parsed JSON response or an HTML error string if the response does not have status 200 """ if response.status_code == 200: out = json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8')) if out: return out elif response.status_code == 400: raise errors.Parse_Error(details=response.content.decode('ascii')) elif response.status_code == 401: raise errors.Invalid_Token_Error elif response.status_code == 403: raise errors.Unauthorized_Error elif response.status_code == 404: raise errors.Not_Found_Error elif response.status_code == 500: raise errors.Server_Error else: raise errors.Other_Error
[docs]class Craedl(Auth): """ A Craedl. Get a Craedl from the API by passing `id`. Get a Craedl from an existing dictionary (for example, a child carried by a parent)without any network traffic by passing `data`. """ def __init__(self, host, slug, id=None, data={}): super().__init__(host=host) self.children = [] if not data: if not id: data = self.GET('/db/%s/craedl/' % (slug,)) self.__unpack_tree__(host, data) else: data = self.GET('/db/%s/craedl/%d/' % (slug, id,)) for k, v in data.items(): if not (type(v) is dict or type(v) is list): if not v == None: setattr(self, k, v) def __repr__(self, depth=0): out = '%s [%s:%d]' % (, self.slug, depth += 1 for child in self.children: out += '\n' for _ in range(depth-1): out += ' ' out += ' - ' out += child.__repr__(depth) return out def __unpack_tree__(self, host, data): """ Unpack a Craedl tree. """ for child in data['children']: craedl = Craedl( host, child['slug'], child['id'], data=child, ) craedl.__unpack_tree__(host, child) self.children.append(craedl)
[docs] def get_data(self): """ Retrieve the root directory associated with this Craedl. :returns: the root Inode of this Craedl """ return Inode(self, self.root_inode)
[docs] def get_wiki(self, revision=0): """ Retrieve the wiki for this Craedl. :param revision: the historical revision to view, moving backward through time (defaults to current revision) :type revision: int """ data = self.GET('/db/%s/craedl/%d/wiki/' % (self.slug, return data['results'][-revision]['content']
[docs]class Inode(Auth): """ A Craedl inode (directory or file) object. Get an Inode from the API by passing `id`. Get an Inode from an eisting dictionary (for example, a child carried by a parent) without any network traffic by passing `data`. """ def __init__(self, craedl, id=None, data={}): super().__init__( self.craedl = craedl if not data: data = self.GET('/mech/%s/craedl/%d/inode/%d/?all=true' % ( craedl.slug,, id )) for k, v in data.items(): setattr(self, k, v) if not hasattr(self, 'children'): self.children = {'results': []} if self.type == 'd': h = hashlib.sha1() for c in self.children['results']: if c['type'] == 'f': h.update(( datetime.fromisoformat(c['date_modify']) - DT1970 ).total_seconds().hex().encode('utf-8')) self.hash = h.hexdigest() def __repr__(self): out = '%s [%d]' % (, return out
[docs] def abspath(self): """ Get a string representation of the absolute path for an inode. :returns: a string containing the absolute path for an inode """ if not hasattr(self, 'path'): self = Inode(self.craedl, path = self.path else: path = self.path out = '' for p in path: out += '/%s [%d]' % (p['name'], p['id']) if self.type == 'd': out += '/' return out
[docs] def create_directory(self, name): """ Create a new directory within the current directory. :param name: the name of the new directory :type name: string :returns: the new Inode """ data = { 'name': name, 'parent':, 'type': 'd', } response_data = self.POST('/mech/%s/craedl/%d/inode/' % ( self.craedl.slug,, ), data) child = Inode(self.craedl, data=response_data) self.children['results'].append(child) return child
[docs] def delete(self): """ Delete the current directory. """ response_data = self.DELETE('/mech/%s/craedl/%d/inode/%d/?c=%d' % ( self.craedl.slug,, self.parent, ))
[docs] def download(self, save_path, rescan=True, output=False, accumulated_size=0): """ Download the contents of the current Inode into `save_path`. If the current Inode is a directory, download recursively; this generates a cache database file in the `save_path` that is used to enhance performance of retries and synchronizations. :param save_path: the path to the directory on your computer that will contain this file's data :type save_path: string :param rescan: whether to rescan the directories (defaults to True); ignores new children in already transferred directories if False :type rescan: boolean :param output: whether to print to STDOUT (defaults to False) :type output: boolean :param accumulated_size: the total size of the download so far; primarily supports recursive download output messages :returns: a tuple containing the updated instance of this directory and the size of the download """ save_path = os.path.expanduser(save_path) if not os.path.isdir(save_path): print('Failure: %s is not a directory.' % save_path) exit() if self.type == 'd': # create this directory save_path = save_path + os.sep + if output: print('CREATE DIR %s...' % (save_path + os.sep), end='', flush=True) try: os.mkdir(save_path) if output: print('created', flush=True) except FileExistsError: if os.path.isfile(save_path): print('Failure: %s is a file.' % save_path) else: if output: print('exists', flush=True) pass cache_path = save_path + os.sep + '.craedl-download-cache-%d.db' % ( ) cache = sync_cache.Cache() # begin the recursive download (self, this_size) = self.download_recurse( cache, save_path, rescan, output, 0 ) if cache: cache.close() return (self, this_size) else: # download this file if output: print('DOWNLD FIL %s...' % (save_path + os.sep +, end='', flush=True ) # check timestamps to determine whether we should stream this data stream_data = True if os.path.isfile(save_path + os.sep + local_mtime = os.path.getmtime(save_path + os.sep + remote_mtime = (datetime.fromisoformat( self.date_modify ) - datetime(1970, 1, 1, tzinfo=timezone.utc)).total_seconds() if local_mtime > remote_mtime: stream_data = False if stream_data: # stream the data only if remote is newer than local data = self.GET('/mech/%s/craedl/%d/inode/%d/data/' % ( self.craedl.slug,, ), data=True) try: f = open(save_path, 'wb') except IsADirectoryError: f = open(save_path + os.sep +, 'wb') for chunk in data.iter_content(): # because we are using iter_content and GET_DATA uses stream=True # in the request, the data is not read into memory but written # directly from the stream here f.write(chunk) f.close() size = self.size if output: print('downloaded %s (%s)' % ( to_x_bytes(size), to_x_bytes(size + accumulated_size) ), flush=True) return (self, size) else: if output: print('current (%s)' % to_x_bytes(accumulated_size), flush=True) return (self, 0)
[docs] def download_recurse( self, cache, save_path, rescan, output, accumulated_size ): """ The recursive function that does the downloading. There is little reason to call this directly; use :meth:`` to start a recursive directory download. :param cache: the cache database :type cache: :py:class:`~craedl.cache.Cache` :param save_path: the path to the directory on your computer that will contain this file's data :type save_path: string :param rescan: whether to rescan the directories (defaults to True); ignores new children in already transferred directories if False :type rescan: boolean :param output: whether to print to STDOUT (defaults to False) :type output: boolean :param accumulated_size: the amount of data that has been downloaded so far :type: integer :returns: a tuple containing the updated instance of this directory and the amount of data that has been downloaded by this recursion level and its children """ this_size = 0 do_download = True if cache.check(save_path, self.hash): # no need to download do_download = False if not rescan: # skip this recursion branch if user requests not to look for # changes to already downloaded children return (self, this_size) else: # record the directory hash cache.start(save_path, self.hash) ls = self.list() if do_download: for f in ls['files']: # download child files (f, new_size) = save_path, output=output, accumulated_size=accumulated_size + this_size ) this_size = this_size + new_size else: for f in ls['files']: # safe to skip this file if output: print('SYNCHD FIL %s...skip (%s)' % ( save_path + os.sep +, to_x_bytes(accumulated_size + this_size) )) for d in ls['dirs']: # recurse into child directories if output: print('CREATE DIR %s...' % ( save_path + os.sep + + os.sep ), end='', flush=True) try: os.mkdir(save_path + os.sep + if output: print('created', flush=True) except FileExistsError: if os.path.isfile(save_path + os.sep + print('Failure: %s is a file.' % save_path + os.sep + else: if output: print('exists', flush=True) pass (d, new_size) = d.download_recurse( cache, save_path + os.sep +, rescan=rescan, output=output, accumulated_size=accumulated_size + this_size ) this_size = this_size + new_size # mark download as completed in cache cache.finish(save_path, self.hash) return (self, this_size)
[docs] def get(self, path): """ Get a particular directory or file. This may be an absolute or relative path. :param path: the directory or file path :type path: string :returns: the requested directory or file """ if not path or path == '.': return self if path[0] == os.sep: p = path.split(os.sep)[1] try: root_inode = Inode(self.craedl, self.craedl.root_inode) if p != raise FileNotFoundError(p + ': No such file or directory') return root_inode.get(path.replace('/%s/' %, '')) except errors.Not_Found_Error: raise FileNotFoundError(p + ': No such file or directory') while path.startswith(os.sep) or path.startswith('.' + os.sep): if path.startswith(os.sep): path = path[1:] # 1 = len('/') else: path = path[2:] # 2 = len('./') if not path or path == '.': return self p = path.split(os.sep)[0] if p == '..': path = path[2:] # 2 = len('..') while path.startswith(os.sep): path = path[1:] # 1 = len('/') try: return Inode(self.craedl, self.parent).get(path) except errors.Not_Found_Error: raise FileNotFoundError(p + ': No such file or directory') for c in self.children['results']: if type(c) != Inode: c = Inode(self.craedl, data=c) if p == path = path[len(p):] while path.startswith(os.sep): path = path[1:] # 1 = len('/') if path: return Inode(self.craedl, else: return Inode(self.craedl, raise FileNotFoundError(p + ': No such file or directory')
[docs] def list(self): """ List the contents of this directory. :returns: a dictionary containing a list of directories ('dirs') and a list of files ('files') """ dirs = [] files = [] for c in self.children['results']: if type(c) != Inode: c = Inode(self.craedl, data=c) if c.type == 'd': dirs.append(c) else: files.append(c) return {'dirs': dirs, 'files': files}
[docs] def upload(self, path, rescan=True, output=False, follow_symlinks=False): """ Upload to the current directory. If uploading a directory, this generates a cache database in the `path` that is used to enhanceperformance of retries and synchronizations. :param path: the local path to the file/directory to be uploaded :type path: string :param rescan: whether to rescan the directories (defaults to True); ignores new children in already transferred directories if False :type rescan: boolean :param output: whether to print to STDOUT (defaults to False) :type output: boolean :param follow_symlinks: whether to follow symlinks (default False) :type follow_symlinks: boolean :returns: the uploaded Inode """ if self.type != 'd': raise errors.Not_A_Directory_Error path = os.path.expanduser(path) if os.path.isfile(path): return self.upload_file(path, output) else: return self.upload_directory(path, rescan, follow_symlinks, output)
[docs] def upload_file(self, file_path, output=False, accumulated_size=0): """ Upload a new file contained within this directory. :param file_path: the path to the file to be uploaded on your computer :type file_path: string :param output: whether to print to STDOUT (defaults to False) :type output: boolean :param accumulated_size: the size that has accumulated prior to this upload (defaults to 0); this is entirely for output purposes :type accumulated_size: int :returns: a tuple with the updated instance of the current directory and the uploaded size """ file_path = os.path.expanduser(file_path) if not os.path.isfile(file_path): print('Failure: %s is not a file.' % file_path) exit() if (os.path.basename(file_path)[0] == '.' or os.path.basename(file_path)[0] == '~' ): if output: print('UPLOAD FIL %s...skip' % (file_path), flush=True) return (self, 0) if output: print('UPLOAD FIL %s...' % (file_path), end='', flush=True) stream_data = False try: # check if file exists remotely f = None for c in self.children['results']: if type(c) != Inode: c = Inode(self.craedl, data=c) if c.type == 'f': if os.path.basename(file_path) == f = c if not f: f = self.get(os.path.basename(file_path)) # check timestamps to determine whether we should stream this data local_mtime = os.path.getmtime(file_path) remote_mtime = ( datetime.fromisoformat(f.date_modify) - DT1970 ).total_seconds() if local_mtime > remote_mtime: stream_data = True except FileNotFoundError: stream_data = True if stream_data: data = { 'name': file_path.split(os.sep)[-1], 'parent':, 'type': 'f', } response_data = self.POST('/mech/%s/craedl/%d/inode/' % ( self.craedl.slug,, ), data, file_path) size = response_data['size'] if output: print('uploaded %s (%s)' % ( to_x_bytes(size), to_x_bytes(size + accumulated_size), ), flush=True) new_file = Inode(self.craedl, data=response_data) self.children['results'].append(new_file) return (new_file, size) else: if output: print('current (%s)' % to_x_bytes(accumulated_size), flush=True) return (self, 0)
[docs] def upload_directory( self, directory_path, rescan=True, follow_symlinks=False, output=False ): """ Upload a new directory contained within this directory. It generates a cache database in the `directory_path` that is used to enhance performance of retries and synchronizations. :param directory_path: the path to the directory to be uploaded on your computer :type directory_path: string :param follow_symlinks: whether to follow symlinks (default False) :type follow_symlinks: boolean :param rescan: whether to rescan the directories (defaults to True); ignores new children in already transferred directories if False :type rescan: boolean :param output: whether to print to STDOUT (defaults to False) :type output: boolean :returns: the updated instance of the current directory """ accumulated_size = 0 directory_path = os.path.expanduser(directory_path) if not os.path.isdir(directory_path): print('Failure: %s is not a directory.' % directory_path) exit() cache_path = directory_path + os.sep + '.craedl-upload-cache-%d.db' % ( ) cache = sync_cache.Cache() # begin the recursive upload (self, this_size) = self.upload_directory_recurse( cache, directory_path, rescan, follow_symlinks, output, 0 ) if cache: cache.close() return self
[docs] def upload_directory_recurse( self, cache, directory_path, rescan, follow_symlinks, output, accumulated_size ): """ The recursive function that does the uploading. There is little reason to call this directly; use :meth:`Directory.upload_directory` to start a directory upload. :param cache: the cache database :type cache: :class:`Cache` :param directory_path: the path to the directory on your computer that will contain this file's data :type directory_path: string :param rescan: whether to rescan the directories (defaults to True); ignores new children in already transferred directories if False :type rescan: boolean :param follow_symlinks: whether to follow symlinks :type follow_symlinks: boolean :param output: whether to print to STDOUT :type output: boolean :param accumulated_size: the amount of data that has been uploaded so far :type: int :returns: a tuple containing the updated instance of this directory and the amount of data that has been downloaded by this recursion level and its children """ if directory_path[-1] == os.sep: directory_path = directory_path[:-1] this_size = 0 children = sorted(os.scandir(directory_path), key=lambda d: d.path) directory_hash = hash_directory(directory_path) do_upload = True if cache.check(directory_path, directory_hash): # no need to upload do_upload = False if not rescan: # skip this recursion branch if user requests not to look for # changes to already uploaded children return (self, this_size) else: # record the directory hash cache.start(directory_path, directory_hash) # create new directory if output: print('CREATE DIR %s...' % (directory_path + os.sep), end='', flush=True) if (os.path.basename(directory_path)[0] == '.' or os.path.basename(directory_path)[0] == '~' ): if output: print('skip', flush=True) return (self, this_size) try: new_dir = self.get(os.path.basename(directory_path)) if output: print('exists', flush=True) except FileNotFoundError: new_dir = self.create_directory(os.path.basename(directory_path)) if output: print('created', flush=True) for child in children: if not follow_symlinks and child.is_symlink(): # skip this symlink if ignoring symlinks if output: print('SKIP SMLNK %s...done' % (child.path + os.sep), flush=True) elif child.is_file(): if do_upload: # upload file (new_file, new_size) = new_dir.upload_file( child.path, output, accumulated_size + this_size ) this_size = this_size + new_size else: # safe to skip this file if output: print('SYNCHD FIL %s...skip (%s)' % ( child.path, to_x_bytes(accumulated_size + this_size) ), flush=True) else: # recurse into this directory (new_file, new_size) = new_dir.upload_directory_recurse( cache, child.path, rescan=rescan, follow_symlinks=follow_symlinks, output=output, accumulated_size=accumulated_size + this_size ) this_size = this_size + new_size # mark upload as completed in cache cache.finish(directory_path, directory_hash) return (new_dir, this_size)
[docs]class Profile(Auth): """ A Craedl profile object. Get a Profile from the API by passing `id`. Get a Profile from an existing dictionary without network traffic by passing `data`. Get your profile by passing no arguments. """ def __init__(self, id=None, data=None): super().__init__() if not data and not id: data = self.GET('/profile/whoami/') elif not data: data = self.GET('/profile/' + str(id) + '/') for k, v in data.items(): setattr(self, k, v) self.craedls = self.get_craedls()
[docs] def get_craedl(self, slug, id=None): """ Get a particular Craedl. :param slug: the Craedl slug :type slug: string :param id: the Craedl id :type id: int :returns: A Craedl instance """ host = None for root_craedl in self.craedls: if root_craedl.slug == slug: host = break if not host: raise errors.Not_Found_Error return Craedl(host, slug, id)
[docs] def get_craedls(self): """ Get a list of craedls to which this profile belongs. :returns: a list of craedls """ data = self.GET('/craedl/') root_craedls = [] for root_craedl in data: craedl = Craedl( root_craedl['host']['domain'], root_craedl['slug'], ) root_craedls.append(craedl) return root_craedls